Hamas Warns Gazans Against Following IDF Advice to Evacuate

A map shared by the IDF Arabic-language department showing the evacuation route for Gazan residents living in the southern tip of the Strip toward the city of Rafah. (IDF Spokesman)

Hamas on Tuesday issued a warning to Gazan civilians not to obey the IDF’s instructions to evacuate from combat zones.

In the warning, Hamas warned against the “distribution of the IDF’s leaflets, which require the residents of the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City to move south. IDF vehicles are located along the Salah al-Din Road axis; it is a death trap.

The IDF is calling on residents of two Gaza City neighborhoods to evacuate to the al-Mawasi “humanitarian zone” on the coast of southern Gaza.

Palestinian media outlets report casualties in Israeli strikes on Zeitoun in the afternoon.

At the beginning of Israel’s ground offensive against the Hamas terror group, the IDF called on all Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza to evacuate south, although some have remained there regardless.

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