Baharav-Miara Threatens to Cut Off Yeshiva Funding Next Month if Draft Issue Not Settled

By Hamodia Staff

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara warned Tuesday that if the government does not reach a solution to the issue of Charedim being drafted into the army by next month, yeshivos will lose all funding, Kan news reported.

Baharav-Miara’s financial threats follow statements she made a day earlier at a meeting of members of the Justice and Defense Ministries, when she said that if the government does not extend the exemption of yeshiva students from the draft, and does not produce clear plans for a new draft law, a conscription obligation will immediately apply to all yeshiva students.

Several members of the government reportedly believed that they would persuade the High Court to table the draft issue until after the war is over, but Baharav-Miara dismissed this notion, and said there is no such scenario in the law and she would not defend such a move in the High Court.

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