Video of Bibas Family Alive in Gaza Captivity During Early War Days Discovered

By Yoni Weiss

The Chords Bridge in Yerushalayim illuminated in orange to mark the first birthday of Kfir Bibas while being held in Hamas captivity, Jan. 18. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

The IDF recently discovered a video showing Shiri Bibas and her children Ariel (4) and Kfir (1) alive in captivity in Gaza during the early days of the war, the IDF said Monday.

The family was informed that the video was found in a tunnel or hiding place. The IDF plans to publish the video with the family’s consent later on Monday.

The family holds Hamas solely responsible for their safety and emphasizes that the video does not change anything or indicate anything new.

A family member told Yediot, “This video has not changed anything and does not indicate anything new… it does not give an indication of anything. We are hoping that they will return to us as soon as possible and that the government will do everything possible.”

“These two children and their parents were supposed to be released during the first stage of the November ceasefire, and while this did not happen, the minimum would have been for them to be released in a humanitarian gesture. We are already expecting everything, the best and the worst,” he said.

A heartfelt statement from the Bibas family was released later Monday. It read: “These videos are breaking our hearts. To see Shiri, Jordan, Ariel and Kafir kidnapped from their home in Nir Oz in this hell is unbearable and inhumane. Kidnapping children is a crime against humanity and a war crime.

“Ariel and Kafir are victims of monstrous evil.
Our entire family became hostages along with all the abductees.

“We make a desperate appeal to all the decision makers in Israel and the world who are concerned with the negotiations:

“Bring them home now. Make it clear to Hamas that kidnapping children is out of the game. Put these children as the first condition in any transaction.

“We wish to thank the public in Israel and around the world for supporting us and wish to continue the fight for their return home.”

In a statement released by his office, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “”The video in which we see the Bibas family in Gaza is heart wrenching and reminds us who we are dealing with – the brutal kidnappers of babies. We will settle accounts with them.

And to the world I say, ‘We will bring these kidnappers of babies and mothers to justice. They won’t get away with it.'”

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said, “Based on the information available to us, we are very concerned and worried about the condition and well-being of Shiri and the children, and we are making every effort to obtain more information about their fate. We will not rest or be silent until we bring them back home.”

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