Terrorist Throws Bomb at Car With Israeli Passengers, b’chasdei Hashem No Serious Injuries

By Hamodia Staff

Five Israelis who were driving in a car near Chomesh were miraculously not injured when they were ambushed by Palestinian terrorists who threw a bomb at their vehicle Monday night, MDA and Israeli police report.

The attack marks the second time that one of the victims remained unscathed after surviving a terror attack.

Chomesh, a moshav in Shomron, has undergone great turmoil and numerous terror attacks in recent months amid calls to vacate the area and the yeshiva within it.

The drivers, who were on their way from Chomesh to Shavi Shomron, were attacked on Route 60 at around 7:14 p.m.

Aviya Antman, around 24 years old, was a passenger in the car, and had previously survived a car-shooting terror attack in Chomesh in 2021, when yeshiva student Yehuda Dimantman Hy”d was killed.

Antman described his salvations as “a great miracle.”

He described his experience further: “We just left Chomesh and they threw a bomb at us, all our windows were smashed and we got out by a miracle. If it had been thrown through one of the windows, we would have been finished,” Antman said.

Police and other Israeli forces are still searching for the suspect(s).

Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomrim Council, attacked last week’s decision to remove barriers separating Chomesh from Palestinian villages, which he says allowed the bombing.

“The Palestinian Authority is trying to raise its head to carry out more terrorist attacks,” Dagan said in a statement released to media Monday, following the attack. “Together with all the people of Israel, I am strengthening the yeshiva pioneers in Chomesh. I expect the leadership to turn the tables there, no matter what happens, we will not accept terrorism here. They opened the checkpoint there just a week ago, I demand to close the barriers”.

According to the MDA, a 25-year-old man sustained minor injuries due to shards of glass flung due to the impact on the car. After receiving first air, he was taken to the hospital.

The car which a bomb was thrown at by Palestinian terrorists. (Chomesh Council)

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