Equipment Stolen From Boro Park Hatzalah Member’s Vehicle Over Shabbos Recovered

By Matis Glenn

Expensive equipment stolen from the car of a Boro Park Hatzalah member over Shabbos was recovered Motzoei Shabbos, with the help of Shomrim, the volunteer community safety organization told Hamodia.

The burglary occurred at around 1:40 a.m. on 15th Avenue and 46th Street.

The member’s trauma bag and AED defibrillator were stolen by the suspect.

Shomrim were called Motzoei Shabbos and began combing through surveillance footage, until they spotted the suspect dropping the trauma bag a few blocks away, ostensible after realizing that such materials are of little value on the stolen goods market. Sure enough, the bag was in the same location it was dropped at.

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