Air Force Conducts Over 31,000 Strikes in Ongoing Conflict Across Multiple Fronts

By Yoni Weiss

The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from the Gaza Strip, as seen from Ashkelon, Oct. 20, 2023. (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

The IDF said Monday that it has conducted strikes on more than 31,000 targets during the ongoing war, primarily in the Gaza Strip, but also in Lebanon and other areas, accumulating over 186,000 flight hours.

Within the Gaza Strip, the IAF targeted over 29,000 sites affiliated with Hamas and other terrorist groups since Oct. 7.

Approximately 7,000 of these strikes were immediate responses to ground forces’ requests during the offensive against Hamas. The closest strike to troops occurred around 80 meters away during a clash between the 401st Armored Brigade and Hamas operatives on Nov. 18, 2023.

In Lebanon, the IAF reports hitting more than 1,000 Hezbollah sites and positions.

In Yehudah and Shomron, about 30 airstrikes targeted terror operatives, primarily during counter-terrorism operations.

The IAF also conducted unspecified strikes in Syria against Iranian activity, Iran’s proxy groups, and the Syrian Army.

Out of the total strikes, 26,000 were carried out by fighter jets, 3,800 by attack helicopters, and 3,800 by drones.

The IAF’s helicopter fleet conducted approximately 500 medevacs from the Gaza Strip, evacuating over 1,000 injured troops to hospitals.

Additionally, during the conflict, the short-range Iron Dome air defense system intercepted thousands of rockets, the medium-range David’s Sling downed dozens, and the long-range Arrow intercepted six projectiles.

As part of the ongoing developments, several aging Patriot batteries are being closed, and personnel will be trained to operate the Iron Dome instead. Israel plans to open new Iron Dome batteries, with the first expected to be operational within several weeks.

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