Police Seal Home of Palestinian Terrorist in East Yerushalayim

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli security at the scene of a shooting attack at the Re’em junction, on Friday. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

Police officers have sealed the residence in East Yerushalayim of Fadi Jamjoum, the Palestinian terrorist who carried out the fatal shooting attack in southern Israel on Friday, claiming the lives of two Jews, Hy”d. This action precedes plans to demolish Jamjoum’s home in East Yerushalayim’s Shuafat.

During the Friday attack at the Re’em junction, Jamjoum targeted people at a bus station, resulting in the deaths of Yishai Gartner, Hy”d, 22, and IDF reservist Sgt. First Class (res.) Ori Yaish, Hy”d, 27, before being fatally shot by another off-duty reservist.

The decision to demolish Jamjoum’s home was made by Doron Turgeman, the commander of the Yerushalayim District, as part of the response to the attack.

Officers cleared Jamjoum’s home of his family before sealing it, following the issuance of a warrant. The operation faced clashes, with Palestinians throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the officers, prompting a response with riot dispersal measures, according to the police.

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