U.K. Sanctions ‘Settlers’ for Human Rights Abuses

By Yoni Weiss

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron (C) touring Kibbutz Be’eri, Nov. 23, 2023. (Foreign Ministry)

The U.K. on Monday imposed sanctions on four “settlers” accused of committing human rights abuses against Palestinians in Yehudah and Shomron. The move comes in response to what the Foreign Office called “unprecedented levels of violence by extremist settlers” over the past year.

The sanctions include strict financial and travel restrictions on the people.

These measures follow U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron’s announcement in December that the country plans to ban those responsible for settler violence from entering the U.K.

Cameron emphasized the need for Israel to take stronger action against settler violence, stating that extremist Israeli settlers are threatening Palestinians, often at gunpoint, and forcibly displacing them from their land.

The U.K. Home Office noted that these sanctions are part of broader efforts to support stability in the West Bank, with the possibility of additional actions, including further sanctions, if deemed necessary.

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