Israeli-Arab Teacher Arrested for Aiding Hamas in Planning Terrorist Activities

By Yoni Weiss

An Israeli-Arab teacher from Ein Mahil, Rami Habibullah, was apprehended Sunday after collaborating with Hamas, disclosing the location of a defense industry plant. Authorities found that, amid the Gaza war, Habibullah initiated contact with Hamas terrorists abroad, providing them with a photo and exact location of the plant to guide rocket attacks. Alongside collecting funds for the terrorist group, he sought to recruit other Israeli-Arabs for promoting terrorist activities. Khaled Saleh, another Ein Mahil resident, was arrested for conspiring with Habibullah and offering to supply weapons for these operations.

Charges have been filed by the Northern District Attorney’s office against Habibullah and Saleh, encompassing national security crimes such as contact with a foreign agent, making illegal purchases for terrorism, and conspiring to commit acts of terrorism. The Shin Bet and Israel Police underscored the gravity of Israeli citizens collaborating with terrorist organizations, emphasizing the authorities’ commitment to employing all lawful means to thwart threats within Israeli society while ensuring the safety of the majority. The joint statement noted that the Shin Bet and Israel Police intervened early in the plot, preventing the execution of the planned terrorist activities.

The Lahav 433 national crime unit’s Gidonim (33) team participated in the arrests, releasing footage of the operation. The case highlights the vigilance of Israeli security forces in detecting and neutralizing threats posed by citizens collaborating with terrorist entities. The Israeli legal system is set to address these charges in the District Court in Nazareth.

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