Terror Stabbing Attack in the Old City of Yerushalayim; 1 Injured, Terrorist Neutralized

By Matis Glenn

Paramedics at the scene of the attempted stabbing attack (United Hatzalah)

A man was injured by a Palestinian terrorist who attempted to stab police officers in the Old City Sunday evening, police and EMS reported.

At around 9 p.m., the terrorist arrived at the police checkpoint in the area of the Hospice Junction, where police called him over for examination, suspecting that he was a threat. Their suspicions proved correct, as the terrorist proceeded to draw a knife and attempt to stab the officers.

Police forces immediately shot and neutralized the terrorist, but not before he was able to injure a passerby in the leg, causing minor wounds.

Police Commissioner Yaacov Shabtai, and the commander of the Yerushalayim District, Superintendent Doron Turgeman, arrived at the scene, and were assessing the situation with the commander of the David area and the other authorities in the Old City.

Meanwhile, IDF troops neutralized a terrorist the same day who attempted to stab an Israeli soldier stationed outside the town of Husan, the army reported.

B’chasdei Hashem no injuries were reported in that incident.

The soldier, a member of the Etzion Brigade, was stationed at the site of the incident to guard the road.

Knife used in the attempted stabbing.
Paramedics respond to the scene of the attempted terror attack. (MDA)

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