NY Assemblywoman Proposes Terrorism Charges for Protestors Who Block Traffic

By Matis Glenn

A new bill hopes to make blocking a road or street during a protest a felony, carrying charges of domestic terrorism, in response to the growing number of disruptive protests that have unfolded in New York City in opposition to Israel and its war against Hamas terrorists.

Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato, a Queens Democrat, introduced the bill recently, which has gained the backing of fellow Democratic Assemblyman Sam Berger.

Pheffer Amato wrote in a statement that while the freedom to protest is protected in the constitution, demonstrators do not have the right to “cause fear, panic and put the lives of other people in danger.

“When those who protest directly hinder the ability for pedestrians and motorists to freely move, impacting their ability to arrive at a location, or seek aid, that is unacceptable.”

Protests since Hamas’ October 7 massacre have mounted nationwide, and have been a frequent sight in New York City, often including chants seen by many as calls for genocide against Jews, such as messages in support of “intifada” and calls of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

These protests have often called for the “shutting down” and the “flooding”(a term borrowed from Hamas’ name for the terror attacks of Oct. 7, which they refer to as the “Al-Aqsa Flood”) of bridges, roadways, airports, and large events.

“The purposeful blocking of bridges, tunnels and roadways which results in cars being stopped, sick people not being able to get medical attention, or any attempt to prevent innocent people from getting from Point A to Point B is not appropriate or fair – in fact it is flat out dangerous,” Pheffer Amato wrote.

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