Families of Hostages to File ICC Complaint Against Hamas


By Yoni Weiss

A man stands in front of a wall with graffiti, which is dedicated to the hostages held by Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Jan. 2. (REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne)

On Wednesday, the Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum, along with Israeli and international lawyers, is set to submit a formal complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague against leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas. The charges in the complaint include kidnappings, enforced disappearances, violence, torture, and more.

The objective of the ICC complaint is to obtain an arrest warrant for Hamas leaders, aiming to increase international pressure for the release of hostages held in Gaza. The legal department of the Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum has reportedly been preparing this move for four months.

Around 100 representatives of the families, accompanied by the Israeli and international legal team, are scheduled to travel to the Netherlands on Wednesday. The initiative anticipates support from thousands of Jewish people in the region.

Following the submission of the complaint, some released hostages are expected to travel to The Hague to testify against Hamas, along with family members of those still held in Gaza. The Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum has intensified its international efforts, seeking support from world leaders. Recent engagements include meetings with Spain’s Prime Minister, the Portuguese President, the U.S. Secretary of State during his Israel visit, and the French President, who hosted a tribute ceremony honoring the victims of the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack.

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