Agudath Israel of Illinois Decries Chicago City Council Passing Anti-Israel Resolution

By Agudah Staff

Chicago City Council Chambers. (Daniel X. O’Neil)

On Wednesday, January 31st, Mayor Brandon Johnson cast the tie-breaking vote to pass a city resolution that undermines the United States’ support of Israel and attempts to take away Israel’s autonomy in choosing the most effective way to keep its citizens safe. Agudath Israel of Illinois is deeply disappointed with this development, as Chicago is the largest city in the U.S. to pass such a one-sided divisive resolution.

The resolution does not put the blame for the current war in Gaza on the perpetrator of the violence of October 7th — Hamas, a recognized terror organization. It does not independently call for the unconditional release of the hostages held by Hamas — including men, women and children, among them senior citizens and a one-year-old baby — right now.  

Agudath Israel thanks Alderwoman Debra Silverstein and the other 22 aldermen who stood strong in their opposition to the resolution.

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