Construction Worker Killed in Collapse at Boro Park Site

By Hamodia Staff

(Credit: Boro

A building under construction at 1266 50th Street in Boro Park has collapsed, killing one construction worker.

EMS, FDNY and other emergency services responded to the scene, where the first floor had collapsed into the cellar, pinning one worker. The collapse was in a “V shape,” meaning that the center of the floor collapsed onto the lower level, pinning the worker beneath it.

Twenty five pieces of emergency equipment and eighty five personnel arrived at the scene within minutes of the 911 calls which came to EMS.

FDNY units immediately began shoring up the floor and started to dig out the dirt covering the basement level from underneath the victim. The FDNY medics and physician on location pronounced the worker dead on the scene.

The FDNY search of the buildings on either side did not find any other victims nor structural damage. The Department of Buildings and NYPD are conducting the investigation of the collapse and surveying the structural integrity of the adjacent buildings.

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