Sa’ar Pursues Genocide Case Against Iran Over Gaza Terror Support

By Aryeh Stern

Gideon Sa’ar arrives for a meeting of the Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee at the Knesset. (Oren Ben Hakoon/Flash90)

Minister Gideon Sa’ar on Sunday revealed intentions to initiate legal action against Iran for genocide in the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Talking to Kan News, Sa’ar said that Iranian leaders openly advocate for the destruction of Israel, and highlighted Iran’s extensive support for Gaza terror groups, including those responsible for the Oct. 7 atrocities. International law experts suggest that the nature of these crimes could be classified as genocide, as they appear aimed at the destruction, either wholly or partially, of the Israeli nation.

Sa’ar, a former justice minister, added that there is substantial evidence linking Iran to the funding, arming, and training of jihadist organizations such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad involved in the Oct. 7 terror attacks. He plans to present this evidence to the court in The Hague and stresses the urgency of addressing the imminent threat Israel faces.

In his efforts to pursue legal action, Sa’ar has engaged with National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi and said that he is committed to ensuring that a lawsuit against Iran is filed.

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