In State of City Address, Adams Announces New Department to Tackle Moped, E-bike Safety


New York City will form a new department to tackle e-bike and moped safety, amid a dramatic rise in both usage and fires related to the devices, as well as crashes, Mayor Eric Adams announced Wednesday, during his State of the City address.

“New Yorkers have been clear: We welcome the future of transit and mobility, but we cannot have mopeds speeding down our sidewalks, delivery apps exploiting workers, or chaos on our streets,” Adams said in a statement. “Our streets — and how they’re used — have changed, and we’re changing with them. The Department of Sustainable Delivery will be a first-in-the-nation way to let us retake the reins of our streets and ensure that the next generation of mobility innovation works for our workers, our neighbors, and our city, as we continue to deliver on our vision to protect public safety, rebuild our economy, and make this city more livable for working-class New Yorkers.”

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