BD’E — Harav Zevulun Charlop, Zt”l

(Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary)

Hamodia is saddened to report the petirah of Harav Zevulun Charlop, zt”l, who served at RIETS for over three decades and as the Rav of the Young Israel of Mosholu Parkway in the Bronx. He was 93 years old.

Rav Charlop was the son of Harav Yechiel Michel, zt”l, who served as the Rav of the Bronx Jewish Center, and was a founder of the Bronx Va’ad Harabbonim, honorary president of the Agudat Harabbonim for more than 20 years and other organiztions.

Rav Zevulun was a grandson of Harav Yaakov Moshe, zt”l, who founded Yeshiva Beit Zevul, a kollel in Yerushalayim.

The levayah was held Wednesday morning at Yeshiva University.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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