Stolen Tefillin Recovered in Boro Park

By Matis Glenn

A Boro Park man breathed a sigh of relief Tuesday afternoon, as Shomrim members recovered a pair of tefillin that had been stolen from the victim’s vehicle in the middle of a snowy night.

The man, who was preparing for the bar mitzvah celebration of his son that day, was shocked to find that his tefillin were missing from his car Tuesday morning, which had been parked near 57th Street and New Utrecht Avenue,

Shomrim members combed through surveillance footage and discovered the perpetrator, tracking him for 10 blocks as he walked, before dropping the tefillin bag, R”l, into a garbage can. Sure enough, the tefillin were still in the garbage can when Shomrim members arrived at the scene.

“We’d like to remind the community not to leave tefillin in vehicles, or in plain sight in general…it’s very unfortunately, tefillin have been stolen quite frequently lately,” Boro Park Shomrim Coordinator Motty Braunner told Hamodia.

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