Brooklyn BP Proposes Naming Boro Park Street for Rabbi Yankie Meyer

By Reuvain Borchardt

BORO PARK — Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso has proposed co-naming a Boro Park street for Rabbi Yankie (Jack) Meyer, z”l, a legendary community activist who passed away last year.

“Rabbi Meyer was a leader whose dedication to faith and service can be seen all over Brooklyn and this city,” Reynoso wrote in a letter Wednesday to Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein. “From his founding role in Misaskim, to his support for orphans and widows and his contributions as a member of the Boro Park Hatzolah, Rabbi Meyer was a leader and caretaker for so many Brooklynites. His memory lives on in the devotion and selflessness he has inspired in so many others.”

The letter, which doesn’t suggest the particular street to be co-named,  is intended to kick off the lengthy street-co-naming process, which includes a recommendation from the community board, support from the local councilmember (Kalman Yeger), and eventually a full vote by the Council.

Rabbi Meyer, a long-time community liaison to law enforcement and other government entities, passed away in September 2022 at the age of 59. He founded Misaskim, an organization known for providing needs for shivah homes, as well as performing kavod hameis services among other acts of kindness. When parents of young children passed away, the family’s connection with Misaskim doesn’t end at shivah: the organization’s “Project Yedid” maintains contact with the widow/widower and orphan, holding Chol Hamoed events and delivering packages before holidays and other special occasions.

“Yankie was a consummate role model and leader who was there for the community literally 24/7,” NYPD Inspector Richie Taylor told Hamodia on Wednesday. “Having a street permanently named for Yankie fits beautifully because of the everlasting positive mark he left on the world.”

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