Report: Israel Ready to Negotiate With Hamas for Hostage Release, Waiting for Qatari Proposal

By Matis Glenn

Mossad Director David Barnea speaks during a Conference of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), in Tel Aviv, on September 10, 2023. (Photo by Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Amid the IDF’s intensification of military activity in Gaza, a senior Israeli official says that conditions are ripe for another hostage release negotiation with Hamas terrorists, according to Channel 12.

Israel will not make the first move, but is rather “Waiting for a Qatari proposal,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity said. “If the Qataris want to be heard, we will listen.”

Mossad head David Barnea and Maj. Gen. (ret.) Nitzan Alon were reportedly instructed to wait for a Qatari proposal, but not to initiate an outline for a hostage release plan.

As in previous negotiations, only women, children, the infirmed and elderly people will be eligible for release.

A security source who spoke on condition of anonymity said that the intensity of the fighting is an opportunity to open negotiations, and it should not be missed.

However, there is a communications problem. “Some of the Hamas leadership left Qatar, some of the emissaries who conveyed messages between the sides were killed, and Israel is physically present in both areas and not only in the northern Gaza Strip – which complicates the communication channels,” the security source said.

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