IDF Releases Footage of Battle in Which 5 Soldiers Were Killed

By Yoni Weiss

Some of the weapons found in the school in Gaza. (IDF Spokesman)

The IDF released footage on Monday afternoon showing soldiers from the 8111 Battalion engaging with terrorists near a school in the southern Gaza Strip. Shots were fired at the forces from the school, prompting the Battalion 8111 soldiers to undertake a targeted raid on terror infrastructure sites.

During Sunday’s battle, an explosive device was detonated among the forces, and terrorists were spotted in the area. The troops responded with live fire, coordinated aerial and tank support, engaged the terrorists, and targeted the area’s terror infrastructure.

Simultaneously, soldiers from the 4th Brigade conducted a targeted raid on an Islamic Jihad command center. The operation revealed various weapons, mortar shells, explosive devices, technological equipment including detonation systems, intelligence documents, and a tunnel entrance leading to underground infrastructure that was also targeted.

Since the commencement of operations by the 4th Brigade in the southern Gaza Strip, numerous terror targets have been struck, resulting in the elimination of several terrorists.

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