IDF Names 4 Fallen Soldiers in Gaza; Death Toll Hits 101

By Yoni Weiss

An Israeli mobile artillery unit fires a shell from southern Israel toward the Gaza Strip, in a position near the Israel-Gaza border, on Sunday. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

The IDF on Monday released the names of four fallen soldiers on Sunday:

  • Sergeant Major Gideon Ilani, Hy”d, 35, from Asael, fell in Gaza combat.
  • Sergeant Major Etay Perry, Hy”d, 36, from Modi’in, fell in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.
  • Major (res.) Eviatar Cohen, Hy”d, 42, from Kfar Saba, fell in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.
  • Major Gal Becher, 34, from Oranit, fell in a military accident in southern Israel.

This brings the IDF’s death toll since the onset of the ground operation in the Gaza Strip to 101.

Additionally, a reservist was seriously wounded in combat in the southern Gaza Strip.

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