Halevi Conducts Situational Assessment With Commanding Officers in Gaza

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi meets with soldiers in Gaza. (IDF)

IDF Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi met with commanding officers in Gaza Monday afternoon, to discuss the ongoing war effort against the Hamas terror group there.

Halevi highlighted the significance of several dozen Hamas terrorists surrendering to IDF soldiers earlier in the day.

‎״I think that the surrendering, the people coming out and raising their hands, is a break in their spirit,” Halevi said. “It accelerates our accomplishments, in the end, we want to progress quickly. We are securing our accomplishments in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, the entrance in the southern part of the Strip, and also deep down into the ground – all of these places, all of these intensifications, are very important for our accomplishments.

“The main operating method is the combination of the Infantry, Armored and the Combat Engineering forces together here on the ground, your connection to intelligence, ISA and Military Intelligence, and indeed physical presence here.”

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