Gallant Calls for Hamas to Surrender, Says Breaking Point Nears in Gaza City, Northern Gaza

By Matis Glenn

Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, at a press conference at the Ministry of Defense, in Tel Aviv on November 11, 2023. Photo by Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

Israel’s war effort against the Hamas terror group in Gaza City and the northern flank of the strip is nearing a breaking point, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Monday, adding that the lives of those who surrender will be spared.

“The last strongholds of Hamas in Jabaliya and Sajaiya are on the verge of being dismantled,” Gallant said. “I call on the battalions and their commanders, surrender and you can save your lives. The fate of Yahya Sinwar and every senior commander is the same – surrender or die….there is no third option.

On the issue of the abductees, Gallant said: “The IDF will continue and act and do whatever is required, we will turn over every stone to return the abductees to their homes. The entire security system is committed to this, and so am I, personally.

“I believe that if we increase the pressure, there will be offers for additional release negotiations, and if there are offers – we will consider them,” he said.

Gallan noted that terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre were among those who surrendered recently to IDF soldiers.

Additionally, Gallant stated that he supports Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s position that Arab workers should be allowed to work in the areas of the Green Line amid a construction shortage. The Social and Economic Cabinet, headed by Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, voted against the move Sunday.

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