Ex-Hamas Official Blasts Group for Gaza’s Devastation

By Yoni Weiss

Yosef Almansi, former communications minister of Hamas, during his interrogation by the Shin Bet.

During interrogations conducted by the Shin Bet, Yosef Almansi, the former communications minister of Hamas, vehemently criticized the terror group, portraying their leader, Yahya Sinwar, as an unpopular tyrant who has inflicted significant harm on Palestinians, as per a statement released by the Shin Bet on Sunday.

Almansi accused Sinwar of suffering from delusions of grandeur, claiming, “He believes he stands above everyone else.” However, Almansi asserted that the populace does not share this sentiment, noting, “I haven’t encountered anyone in Gaza who supports Sinwar. He’s universally disliked. People fervently pray day and night for deliverance from him.”

Regarding Hamas, the faction he once served within the Gazan government, Almansi condemned their achievements as being rooted in destruction. “Hamas’s accomplishments include the destruction of over 60% of buildings, infrastructure, streets, and public facilities.” He went on to brand Sinwar’s leadership as a group of “fanatics” responsible for regressing Gaza by two centuries.

Speaking about Hamas’s assaults on Israel, Almansi vehemently condemned their actions. “The events of Oct. 7 are antithetical to Islam. They represent heresy and madness,” he declared. “The acts committed, such as the taking of 240 hostages, and the killing of 1,200 individuals, defy logic, religious principles, and intellect. Sinwar and his cohorts bear responsibility for these atrocities.”

Almansi concluded with advice for the people of Gaza, urging them to resist Sinwar’s group. “Let us strive for peace and the well-being of our people. We must rebuild Gaza, a task that will undoubtedly take time due to the enormity of the wounds inflicted.”

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