Chair of European Parliament Defense Subcommittee: You Don’t Need to Be Israeli to Feel That Humanity Was Attacked

By Aryeh Stern

View of the destruction caused by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, near the Israel-Gaza border. (Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90)

Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana accompanied the European Parliament delegation led by MEP Nathalie Loiseau, chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense, and MEP David McAllister, chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, during their solidarity visit to Israel on Sunday. The European Parliament members came to witness the aftermath of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack and to show support.

Following their visit to Kfar Aza, the MEPs, along with the Knesset Speaker, visited the Tzrifin military base. There, they observed a display of weapons seized from terrorists in southern localities and viewed footage of the atrocities committed during the attack.

Later in the day, the delegation met with hostage families and representatives of the Unit for the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

Ohana expressed gratitude to the European Parliament members for visiting Israel and witnessing firsthand the terror events of Oct. 7. He emphasized the significance of Israel’s role as a representation of the free and Western world, stating that the attack wasn’t just against Israel but also against the values of freedom and democracy.

Ohana warned that failure to eliminate Hamas could result in further similar incidents, as Hamas openly vowed to repeat such attacks.

MEP Nathalie Loiseau remarked on their visit, highlighting the unity in fighting against terrorism and defending freedom and democracy. She emphasized that witnessing the situation in Kfar Aza was an eye-opening experience that transcended nationality or religion.

MEP David McAllister echoed solidarity with Israel and stressed the importance of bipartisan representation from the European Parliament to comprehend the severity of the terrorist attack. He affirmed that their experiences during the visit would remain ingrained in their memories.

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