Suspect Arrested for Grabbing Shtreimel Off Man’s Head

By Hamodia Staff

The suspect (in red sweatshirt) is arrested Sunday. A police officer (2nd R) is holding the shtreimel allegedly found in the suspect’s home.

A teen was arrested Sunday for allegedly snatching a shtreimel off a man’s head in Boro Park on Shabbos.

Surveillance footage shows a teen on a moped on 12th Avenue and 53rd Street asking a chassid about the value of his shtreimel. The chassid then begins walking away, and the teen rides the moped on the sidewalk, nabs the shtreimel and rides away.

The Shomrim Intelligence team spent hours combing through surveillance footage to track the thief. On Sunday, the NYPD arrested a 14-year-old suspect at his Bensonhurst home — and the shtreimel was found in his home, Shomrim tell Hamodia.

The suspect was charged with grand larceny.

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