Netanyahu Raises Concerns in Phone Call With Putin

By Yoni Weiss

A Red Cross vehicle carrying hostages abducted by Hamas arrives at the Rafah border, Nov. 28. (REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

During a 50-minute phone call Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin concerning the ongoing war against Hamas and the regional situation. This was their second conversation since the outbreak of the war, and comes amid tension with Russia over its staunch anti-Israel stance in the war against Hamas, and after Russia’s ambassador made scathing remarks against Israel at the U.N. on Friday.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) stated that Netanyahu conveyed his dissatisfaction with Russia’s stance against Israel in various international forums and criticized what he referred to as the “dangerous collaboration between Russia and Iran.”

According to the PMO, Netanyahu noted that any nation facing a criminal terrorist attack, akin to Israel’s recent experiences, would respond with similar measures.

In addition to criticism, Netanyahu conveyed gratitude for Russia’s efforts in releasing Israeli citizens with Russian citizenship. Netanyahu affirmed Israel’s commitment to employing all available political and military means for the release of all abducted individuals.

Netanyahu urged Russia to influence the Red Cross and advocate for visits and medical assistance for the abducted individuals, the statement concluded.

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