Nephew of Gadi Eisenkot Killed in Gaza a Day After Cousin

By Yoni Weiss

War Cabinet Minister Gadi Eisenkot speaks at the funeral of his son Gal Meir, in Herzliya, on Friday. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

In the midst of the ongoing war in Gaza against Hamas, a double tragedy hit the family of Minister Gadi Eisenkot. His nephew, Maor Meir Cohen, Hy”d, a soldier in regular military service, was killed in Gaza on Friday, while his son, Gal Meir Eisenkot, Hy”d, a reservist in Battalion 699, had fallen just a day prior in the northern Gaza Strip.

Maor is the son of Sharon Eisenkot — Gadi’s half-sister — and Michael Mishel Cohen. Both Maor and Gal Meir were named after their grandfather Meir, and ultimately they shared a legacy.

Gal’s levayah, held on Friday, saw thousands gather at the Herzliya military cemetery.

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