Israeli Strike Kills Hezbollah Members in Syria

By Yoni Weiss

A soldier lights the menorah on Friday afternoon, at a staging area near the border with Syria. (Michael Giladi/Flash90)

Foreign reports said that an Israeli drone strike in southwest Syria has resulted in the deaths of three Hezbollah members, individuals associated with the Iran-backed Lebanese terror group.

The strike, occurring near the Golan Heights area, specifically targeted Hasan Ali Daqdud, the son of senior Hezbollah figure Ali Mussa Daqduq, according to sources.

Ali Mussa Daqduq was responsible for overseeing the “Golan Network,” a significant Hezbollah presence along the Syrian border adjacent to the Golan Heights. His past involvement includes being captured by U.S. forces in Syria due to his role in a 2007 attack in Karbala, which resulted in the deaths of five American soldiers. Daqduq was held in U.S. custody on charges of operating with Iranian support and was released in 2012 after being transferred to Iraqi custody.

The strike, which reportedly killed a Syrian individual accompanying the Hezbollah terrorists, was not confirmed by the IDF. The incident allegedly occurred in Quneitra.

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