IDF Says Combined Air, Sea and Land Units Hit Over 450 Targets in Gaza in Past Day

By Yoni Weiss

Rubble of destroyed buildings lies at the site of Israeli strikes, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, Friday. (REUTERS/Bassam Masoud)

The IDF released a statement on Friday morning, updating on the situation in the Gaza Strip, particularly on the targets that were attacked from the air, sea and land.

“Soldiers operating in the Gaza Strip continue battles with terrorists, locating and destroying underground shafts, weapons and other terrorist infrastructure,” the statement said.

The statement highlighted activity in Khan Yunis, in which the 7th Brigade guided IDF aircraft to accurately hit Hamas terrorists in a wave of attacks that lasted about two hours.

In one incident, three terrorists were identified and were attacked by a remotely manned aircraft, one of whom survived and revealed the location of other terrorists who were hiding in a military building where they were preparing to fire rockets.

“The persistent and professional work of the fire support personnel in cooperation with the forces of the brigade in the field and the forces of the Air Force led to the closing of the circle quickly – we located and eliminated all the terrorists in the incident,” a commanding officer in the 7th Brigade explained in the statement.

“In the last day, many forces of the naval arm attacked with shells and precision weaponry terrorist infrastructures used by the naval forces of the terrorist organization Hamas in the center and south of the Gaza Strip, in order to extensively damage their naval and intelligence capabilities,” the statement added.

“Among the targets attacked were military sites and outposts where the organization’s terrorists operated, observation posts and warehouses where weapons were stored,” it described.

“The forces continue to cooperate closely with the ground forces and attack terrorist infrastructures in the maritime areas,” the statement concluded.

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