Menorah Lighting at Kosel Dedicated to Hostages

Photos courtesy Western Wall Heritage Foundation

The first candle-lighting ceremony of Chanukah 5784 at the Kosel was dedicated to “lighting the light for the hostages,” as 138 symbolic candles were lit, corresponding to the number of Israeli hostages believed to be held in Gaza by Hamas

Harav Shmuel Rabinowitz, shlita, rav of the Kosel, said, “I turn from here, from the Kotel, from the ancient stones that are the beating heart of the Jewish people, to our brothers and sisters in Gaza. I don’t know if you hear me, but I know that your hearts are connected to our hearts. May our candles shine for you in the darkness. We pray for you. We pray with you. The entire nation of Israel is with you and will be with you until you return home soon, with the help of G-d. We all pray together tonight “And return sons to their borders” – healthy and whole in body and soul.”

In addition to rabbanim and politicians, the ceremony was attended by relatives of some of the captives.

Sepahrdi Chief Rabbi Harav Yitzhak Yosef, shlita, blessed the captives and the missing and the soldiers that they will return healthily in body and soul.

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