Israel to Reopen Kerem Shalom Crossing for Gaza Aid Inspections

By Yoni Weiss

View of the Kerem Shalom crossing, in southern Israel, where Israel borders with Gaza and Egypt. (Doron Horowitz/FLASH90)

Israel is set to open the Kerem Shalom crossing with Gaza for the inspection of humanitarian aid trucks for the first time since the war against Hamas began. This decision aims to increase the daily entry of aid trucks into the Gaza Strip. The move comes following pressure from the Biden administration and the international community.

However, Israel has limited aid into Gaza, particularly fuel, due to concerns about diversion by the Hamas terror group. The decision to open Kerem Shalom for inspections is seen as a step forward, though the U.S. is urging Israel to fully reopen the crossing for aid trucks.

Currently, aid trucks enter Gaza through Egypt’s Rafah crossing and are inspected at Israel’s Nitzana crossing. Israeli officials claim they can facilitate up to 250 trucks daily through Rafah but emphasize the need for improved distribution capabilities by international agencies once the aid reaches Gaza.

Before the war, around 500 trucks entered Gaza daily via various crossings, but since the war began, this number has significantly decreased.

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