Gallery: Chanukah in Gaza

Al Hanisim!

Yair and his friends spent several weeks in a large camp inside Gaza, where they slept and ate, and they came and went from there. The place was surrounded by mounds of dirt, and they felt relatively safe there.

After a month, they received intelligence information that there was a tunnel shaft right under the soldiers’ tent, and that terrorists could come out of it at any moment. They left the tent as it was and watched it from a distance for about two days.

In the middle of the night, a terrorist came up from the shaft, the soldiers shot at him. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion, the whole encampment flew up into the air as two shafts collapsed into the ground.

The terrorist had come up with a bomb and planned to blow up the entire encampment with them.

The IDF discovered branches of more tunnels right under their feet. When they checked inside the tunnels, they discovered many more terrorists who were killed and wounded.

All this happened in a place where they slept and lived comfortably for a few weeks.

Nes gadol hayah sham!!

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