Teen Charged With Hate Crime for Snatching Hat Off Jew in Boro Park

By Reuvain Borchardt

BORO PARK — A teen has been arrested and charged with a hate-crime after snatching the hat off an Orthodox Jew in Boro Park.

The incident occurred October 20, at 18th Ave. and 62nd Street. Surveillance footage obtained by Boro Park Shomrim shows the teen walking up behind two Chassidism, grabbing the hat off one and fleeing, hat in hand.

Shomrim Intelligence tracked the hat snatcher’s movements by conducting extensive review of surveillance footage in the area, eventually tracking him to a vehicle via a high-quality home surveillance camera that picked up the car’s license plate.

Shomrim provided the license plate to NYPD, whose detectives traced the car to a friend of the perpetrator. Once police identified the perpetrator, he surrendered at the 62nd Precinct Wednesday.

He was charged with two counts of grand larceny, one as a hate crime; and one count of criminal possession of stolen property – religious articles.


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