Report: Hamas Had Intel From Spies in Israel Ahead of Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians break into the Israeli side of the Israel-Gaza border fence, on Oct. 7. (REUTERS/Mohammed Fayq Abu Mostafa)

According to a report by The Guardian Tuesday, the IDF believe that Hamas executed the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel with assistance from spies operating within the country. The report alleges that Hamas had spent years meticulously creating detailed maps, purportedly aided by insiders within Israel. The conclusion is drawn from information extracted from phones, notebooks, and documents seized from terrorists.

These materials also reportedly contained guides on hostage-taking and translated phrases. The level of detail found in these documents, including a map more intricate than typically required by the IDF, has led the IDF to suspect the involvement of Hamas spies.

The Guardian’s report further indicates that Israeli intelligence initially underestimated Hamas and its capabilities ahead of the Oct. 7 attacks. The IDF retrieved a 40-page “game plan” for Hamas’s attack but disregarded it, believing it was beyond the terror organization’s capabilities. Additionally, warnings from IDF lookouts about suspicious activities along the Gaza border were reportedly dismissed, with threats of court martial issued against those who raised concerns.

The recovered data from laptops, phones, tablets, and written notebooks unveiled plans for attacking various military targets and key points deep within Israeli territory. This level of detail and scale of information led to the suspicion that Hamas had engaged in years of planning, which Israeli intelligence might have taken more seriously had they been aware of it.

The report also suggests that Hamas operatives used Israeli SIM cards and walkie-talkies for continuous communication. Recovered items like a radio transmitter with solar-powered battery capabilities were apparently intended to facilitate an extended stay in Israel for carrying out attacks.

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