Knesset Passes Budget in First Reading

By Aryeh Stern

MK David Bitan (R), chairman of the Economic Committee, and Economy Minister Nir Barkat attend an Economic Committee meeting at the Knesset, Wednesday. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The additional budget for the last two months of 2023 passed in its first reading at the Knesset plenum on Wednesday, with 62 MKs voting in favor and 53 MKs voting against.

Economy Minister Nir Barkat (Likud) was a no-show for the vote and members of the National Camp Party, who had just recently joined the coalition, voted against the budget.

Earlier in the day, Barkat said, “I won’t support the budget if we don’t get at least NIS 250 million, which we know how to spend.”

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