Report: Israel Considers Flooding Gaza Tunnels

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli soldiers inspect the entrance to a tunnel used by Hamas, during a ground operation in Gaza, Nov. 9. (Israel Defense Forces/Handout via REUTERS)

Israel is reportedly considering the use of a vast network of pumps to flood tunnels utilized by the Hamas terrorist group beneath the Gaza Strip, as per the Wall Street Journal, citing U.S. officials.

According to the report on Monday, the IDF has installed a series of at least five pumps roughly a mile north of the Al-Shati refugee camp. These pumps have the capacity to move thousands of cubic meters of water per hour and could potentially flood the tunnels within a few weeks.

The report noted uncertainty regarding Israel’s consideration of using the pumps before the release of all the hostages, as Hamas has claimed to have hidden captives in secure locations and tunnels.

In response to the story, a U.S. official remarked that it would be logical for Israel to render the tunnels inoperable and that the country was exploring various methods to achieve this goal.

Though an IDF official declined to comment on the flooding plan to the Wall Street Journal, they mentioned, “The IDF is engaged in dismantling Hamas’s terror capabilities through diverse military and technological means.”

Reportedly, Israel had informed the United States about this option last month.

According to cited officials, Israel has not reached a final decision to proceed or dismiss the plan.

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