IDF Releases Names of 7 Fighters Killed in Gaza

IDF spokesperson Staff Sergeant Tuval Yaakov Tsanani, Sergeant Yakir Yedidya Schenkolewski, Captain Eitan Fisch. (IDF)

The families of Captain Eitan Fisch, Sergeant Yakir Yedidya Schenkolewski, Staff Sergeant Tuval Yaakov Tsanani, Major (res.) Matan Damari, Major (res.) Ilay Eliyahu Cohen, Captain Yahal Gazit and Acting Sergeant Gil Daniels, were informed of their sons’ deaths, bringing the total number of soldiers killed in the Gaza ground operation to 82.

Captain Yahal Gazit, 24 years old from the village of Rakfat, deputy commander of a company in the 53rd battalion, Barak formation (188). Major (res.) Ilay Eliyahu Cohen, 23 years old served in Battalion 7008; he was from Beit Nehemiah.

Acting Sergeant Gil Daniels, 34 years old, from Ashdod, a fighter in the patrol company in the 6261st Battalion, 261st Brigade.

Major (res.) Matan Damari, 31 years old, from Dimona, was a platoon commander in the patrol company of the fire brigade (215).

The IDF spokesman also announced Tuesday morning that a fighter in the Nachal Patrol, as well as an officer and a fighter in the Paratrooper Patrol, were seriously injured in fighting in the northern Gaza Strip. Another soldier, from the 53rd Battalion of the Barak formation (188), was also seriously injured.

The injured were evacuated to receive medical treatment and their families were informed.

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