Shin Bet Director: We Will Eliminate Hamas – in Turkey, Even in Qatar

By Yoni Weiss

Ronen Bar, head of the Shin Bet. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Shin Bet director Ronen Bar said in a recording played on Kan News Sunday night that the Cabinet has set a goal to eliminate Hamas and its leaders.

“Everywhere – in Gaza, in the Palestinian territories, in Lebanon, in Turkey, and in Qatar. It will take us a few years, but we will be there to do it,” said Bar.

He was also heard expressing his belief that the organization is “on the rise,” and “we are drawing our lessons from the events and are already passing them on to other arenas, not just in the Gaza Strip.”

Bar added that “the scope of threats facing the State of Israel is unprecedented in the past year, even before these events. Even in this case, the main thing is hidden from the eye. There are many things brewing beneath the surface.”

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