2 Soldiers Killed Hy”d as IDF Engages in Close-Quarters Combat With Hamas Terrorists in Gaza

By Hamodia Staff

IDF soldiers of the 601st Battalion in Gaza. (IDF)

IDF soldiers engaged terrorists in northern Gaza Monday, and tragically lost two soliders during operations.

Members of the 401st Brigade in the northern Gaza Strip, soldiers entered a building where they encountered Hamas terrorists who opened fire at them. During the battle inside the building, Sergeant First Class (Res.) Ben Zussman Hy”d, was killed, as well as Sergeant Binyamin Yehoshua Needham Hy”d. Two additional IDF soldiers were wounded. The soldiers engaged in close-quarters combat, fired at the terrorists, and eliminated them.

Intense battles raged between the 601st Battalion of the IDF and Hamas terrorists elsewhere in northern Gaza.

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