IDF Announces Deaths of 3 More Soldiers, Hy”d, in Gaza

By Yoni Weiss

The IDF on Monday announced the deaths of three more soldiers in fighting in central and northern Gaza.

They were named as:

  • Sgt. major (res.) Neriya Shaer, Hy”d, 36, from Yavne, who served in the Paratroopers Brigade.
  • Sgt. first class (res.) Ben Zussman, Hy”d, 22, from Yerushalayim, a combat engineering soldier in the reconnaissance unit of the 401st Armored Brigade.
  • Sgt. Binyamin Yehoshua Needham, Hy”d, 19, from Zichron Yaakov, a combat engineering soldier in the 401st Armored Brigade.

Seventy-four soldiers have been killed inside the Gaza Strip since the start of the ground operation last month.

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