Reservist to Be Questioned in Yuval Castleman Shooting Case as New Details Emerge

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli security at the scene of a shooting attack at the entrance to Yerushalayim, Thursday. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

A reservist involved in the accidental shooting of attorney Yuval Castleman, z”l, will face Military Police interrogation Sunday, while additional details about the case have surfaced. Castleman was mistakenly identified as a terrorist during the attack in Yerushalayim on Thursday morning and was fatally shot by soldiers despite attempting to surrender. Videos from the scene showed him raising his hands and removing his shirt to indicate he wasn’t a threat. Tragically, he was hit in the mouth and fatally wounded.

Castleman’s family emphasizes his professional behavior and demands a reevaluation of armed citizenry. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu acknowledged the incident’s tragedy but raised concerns about widespread weapon distribution.

Castleman’s father, Moshe Castleman, lamented his son’s untimely death – just days before he turned 39 – and expressed concerns about the incident’s handling. He reflected on the loss, emphasizing the need for proper responses in such situations.

Moshe Castleman acknowledged the complexity of the situation, yet questioned the soldier’s actions. He admitted uncertainty about future actions in similar situations.

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