Lebanese Anti-Tank Fire Wounds 4 IDF Soldiers

By Yoni Weiss

The Iron Dome intercepts rockets fired from Gaza, during the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, as seen from Ashkelon, Dec. 3. (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

Four soldiers were wounded after being targeted by anti-tank fire from Lebanon on Sunday afternoon. The incident occurred near Beit Hillel, in the Galilee.

In response to the attack, the IDF carried out retaliatory strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.

Confirming the incident, the IDF stated, “An anti-tank missile was fired toward an IDF vehicle in the Beit Hillel area, resulting in minor injuries to several soldiers due to shrapnel and damage to the vehicle.”

Furthermore, multiple launches in the Mount Dov area were detected, with some projectiles landing within Lebanese territory. The IDF responded by targeting the sources of the attack with artillery fire.

Meanwhile, in a separate incident Sunday afternoon, three rockets struck Sderot, causing substantial damage to a shul. The Iron Dome intercepted eight additional rockets during the barrage on Sderot.

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