IDF Destroys 500 Hamas Tunnels in Gaza Offensive

By Yoni Weiss

An IDF soldier shows a located Hamas tunnel shaft near a school in Beit Lahiya, Gaza. (Israel Defense Forces/Handout via REUTERS)

During the ongoing ground operations in the Gaza Strip, IDF forces have found and destroyed over 800 tunnel shafts belonging to Hamas. Approximately 500 of these shafts have been rendered inoperable through various strategic means, including the use of explosives and obstructive measures.

The tunnels were strategically positioned, linking Hamas’s key assets through an intricate underground network. Additionally, extensive portions of the tunnel routes have been neutralized.

Most concerning was the discovery that many of these tunnel shafts were deliberately placed within or near civilian zones, such as schools, kindergartens, mosques, and playgrounds. Some of these locations contained significant caches of weapons.

Following the identification of these tunnel shafts, IDF troops conducted comprehensive investigations to understand their structure and prepare for their controlled demolition.

“The findings underscore Hamas’s callous exploitation of civilians, using them as both human shields and camouflage for the organization’s acts of terror,” the IDF said.

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