IDF Conducts 10,000 Airstrikes in Gaza Since Ground Operation

By Yoni Weiss

An explosion occurs, amid Israel’s ground operation against the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip, Sunday. (ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES/Handout via REUTERS)

The IDF reported Sunday that they have conducted 10,000 airstrikes in the Gaza Strip since the commencement of the ground operation. These airstrikes were coordinated by Ground Forces and carried out under the guidance of Cooperation Unit 5620, a division within the Israeli Air Force responsible for orchestrating joint operations between the IAF and ground forces.

“Approximately 10,000 airstrikes have been executed in brief intervals, under the direct guidance of ground forces, since the conflict’s inception. Our forces strategically targeted and disrupted terrorist cells, infrastructure, operational facilities, tunnel networks, weapon stockpiles, and various other targets,” the IDF said.

During an evaluation held at the IAF’s headquarters, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi emphasized the crucial role of the ground forces’ close and the effective collaboration with the Air Force.

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