IDF Confirms Deaths of 7 Hostages in Gaza, Returns Body

By Yoni Weiss

The IDF confirmed on Friday the deaths of seven hostages held in Gaza, notifying their families and repatriating one of the deceased to Israel.

“Recently, the IDF and Israel Police informed the families of hostages Eliyahu Margalit, Maya Goren, Ronen Engel, and Aryeh Zalmanovitz about their unfortunate demise,” said IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari during a press briefing. Shortly after his statement, authorities also verified the deaths of Ofra Keidar and Guy Ilu.

Hagari added that troops had recovered the body of an additional individual, Ofir Tzarfati.

The IDF announced that Tzarfati’s body had been discovered “in recent days” within Gaza by soldiers and the Shin Bet.

As part of the hostage agreement, Engel’s wife and two daughters were released earlier in the week.

Goren’s husband fell victim to the Oct. 7 massacre.

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