3 Teens Arrested for Attacking Jews While Yelling ‘Free Palestine’

By Hamodia Staff

Images of the suspects released by NYPD.

MIDWOOD — Three teens have been arrested and charged for allegedly assaulting Jews in Midwood last Shabbos four times, while yelling “Free Palestine.”

The four incidents occurred from approximately 3:25 and and 4:06 p.m. between Avenues J and L, on East 16, 17 and 18th Streets. The group allegedly punched and kicked a Jew in each incident, while yelling “Free Palestine.”

The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force investigated the incidents.

Initially, only grainy images were available from surveillance footage.

But on Wednesday, police released high-resolution images of the suspects taken from a nearby bodega, and they were arrested Friday.

Two 14-year-olds were each hit with charges of assault as a hate crime, and one 13-year-old was hit with assault charges.

Flatbush Shomrim Coordinator Tzvi Weill told Hamodia that Shomrim encourages every crime victim to file a police report.

“Thank you to all the victims who came forward and followed through with a police report,” Weill said. “Otherwise, these perpetrators would have continued their hateful attacks.”

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