IDF: Two Hostages Transferred to the Red Cross, Others Later

By Yoni Weiss

A Red Cross vehicle, as part of a convoy carrying hostages abducted by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, arrives at the Rafah border, Wednesday night. (REUTERS)

The IDF announced Thursday afternoon that based on information that was received from the Red Cross, two Israeli hostages have been transferred to them and are on their way to Israeli territory.

In the next few hours, the IDF added, additional Israeli hostages are expected to be transferred to the Red Cross.

Based on images from Gaza, the released hostages were 21-year-old Mia Schem, from Shoham, who was kidnapped from a large gathering near Re’im, and 40-year-old Amit Soussana, from Kibbutz Kfar Aza.

It was initially unclear why these hostages were released separately.

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