Egyptian and Qatari Negotiators Pushing for New 2-Day Extension of Truce

People drive past wall mural paintings in southern Tel Aviv, calling for the release of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

CAIRO (Reuters) – Egyptian and Qatari negotiators are pushing for a new two-day extension to the truce in Gaza along with more prisoner releases and an increase in the delivery of humanitarian aid, a statement from Egypt’s state media body said on Thursday.

The efforts follow the last-minute extension of the truce for a seventh day on Thursday morning.

Thursday’s extension includes the release of eight Israelis captured by Hamas and 30 Palestinian prisoners, as well as the provision of the same levels of humanitarian relief as during the previous six days, the head of Egypt’s state information service, Diaa Rashwan, said in a statement.

“Egypt will continue to exert its utmost efforts to ensure the continued flow of humanitarian aid to the north and south of the Gaza Strip,” the statement said.

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